The latest NRS figures for October 2009 to September 2010 show fairly substantial year on year losses for most titles in the daily category, with the exception of the Daily Star, which posted a slight 0.3% increase in readers.
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Raymond Snoddy, says the appointment of Rachel Bristow and Peter Duffy to the board of the Newspaper Marketing Agency marks a clear (and cunning) message to the newspaper industry…
Perhaps Rupert Murdoch does know how to use his ‘game-changing’ iPad after all… the saviour of paid-content is set to launch The Daily, a newspaper that has been designed especially for the iPad.
Raymond Snoddy, questions the definition of news – from a shaggy dog story that is more newsy than a Royal engagement to the extent to which TV news is “lead by the nose” by everything from dramatic pictures to stunts manufactured by interest groups to get attention…
Circulation figures failed to pick up in October, with the daily newspaper market posting a higher fall than September’s 5.3% drop.
The Times and Sunday Times’ online offering attracts the majority of its audience from the UK.
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News Corporation has officially notified the European Commission that it intends to make a takeover bid for BSkyB.
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Jim Marshall questions i’s positioning and cover price; and wonders whether newspapers are facing a daunting challenge if futurist Ross Dawson’s prediction that the UK newspaper industry will be extinct by 2020 is to be believed…