The Independent is set to double its ad rates by bundling space in its new spin-off i, promising a combined circulation of 340,000, according to the Guardian.
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Claire Myerscough, business intelligence director at News International Commercial, says newspapers are trailing behind when it comes to creating simple and flexible solutions for buying and selling…
News International slips into the red, as The Sun’s profitability is offset by bad news from The Times.
Circulation figures were down across the board once again in December. The daily newspaper market posted a 6.7% decline on last year’s pre-Christmas figures.
Less than a week before MediaTel’s much-anticipated 2011 Year Ahead event, industry body chiefs from Thinkbox, the RAB and Postar give their views and predictions for the year ahead…
Raymond Snoddy says Max Mosley has come back to haunt his tormentors: “There is every chance that the judges of the Human Rights Court in Strasbourg could create the Mosley manoeuvre – a new extension of privacy law, which could turn out to be very onerous for the press.”
Consumer magazines haven’t quite conquered the iPad app market, with sales of Wired, GQ, Vanity Fair and Glamour all down or flat over the last six months. Over the same period, Apple has sold more than a million iPads.
Circulation figures were down across the board in November, with the daily newspaper market posting a 5.3% decline on last year’s figures.
Clive Milner, chief operating officer, is set to leave News International after 30 years in the company.
Julia Hutchison, COO at the APA, says the latest NRS figures represent “a clear sign that passion for and investment in editorialised branded content is still soaring”…