The BBC’s on-demand platform, iPlayer, has relaunched today after being rebuilt “from the ground up” to ensure it is fit for the future, the Corporation has announced.
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Due to air this Spring, the 10-part series is an original adaptation of the film of the same name.
The obsession with quoting numbers with trails of zeroes behind them has long been part of the web’s preoccupation with counting things – but as TV campaigns head down the same path, how do we make sense of the numbers?
The TV Licensing TeleScope report also revealed that almost all of children’s viewing is spent in front of the traditional TV set.
TV ad revenues hit an all-time high last year and the medium is attracting hundreds of new brands – which is pretty staggering given the plethora of choice available to advertisers these days, writes Dominic Mills.
There was more Six Nations Rugby on Sunday at 2:30pm to help blow the cobwebs off, as England comfortably beat Wales, netting an impressive 4.7 million viewers and a 36% share.
Speaking at the Westminster Media Forum’s Prospects for the UK television market even, Freesat’s MD announced that the service is soon to be launching on Internet Digital TVs.
Total TV advertising revenue in the UK increased by 3.5% in 2013 to reach a new record high of £4.63 billion, according to figures compiled by Thinkbox.
Last night ITV allowed viewers to take a literal stroll down memory lane as the cast and crew commemorated one of the UK’s most famous television studios in Coronation Street: A Moving Story (9pm).
Netflix has acquired the new Robert Rodriguez series, From Dusk Till Dawn, exclusively for subscribers in Canada, Europe and Latin America.