Following the news that the BBC is to axe its flagship youth and comedy channel, the Corporation’s director general has said that “no BBC budget is safe”.
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After seven years, five series and a truck-load of Sports Relief/Christmas specials, Wednesday night saw Outnumbered’s Brockman household close its door to the TV nation for the very last time.
As the Corporation looks to save £100 million a year, Tony Hall plans to axe BBC3 and move the channel wholly online.
The future of the BBC in an independent Scotland is a perfect paradigm for all the institutions of the UK, up to and including the pound and EU membership. But what would really happen to UK broadcasting if the Scots vote Yes?
At 9pm Kris Marshall celebrated the fact he survived his whole first series of Death in Paradise (BBC One) without becoming one of the victims.
60% of respondents to a new Sky IQ study said data was more important for a successful TV campaign than creativity – while 45% agreed that data can be used to replace human skill and insight when planning.’s ‘Audience Path’ is now the only platform that can plan, buy, execute and analyse video ad campaigns across all digital screens and linear TV.
Monday evening saw one half of TV’s recent success story launch their very own show, attempting to brighten up the start of a fresh week with some scones, jam, received pronunciation and some good old-fashioned can-do optimism.
In a statement issued last week, the Trust described the service as a “natural progression in a digital age.”
After a long-running battle between the two, the BBC and BSkyB have finally agreed that the BBC will no longer have to pay to put its channels on Sky’s pay-TV platform.