An overall analysis of RAJAR figures released for the first quarter of this year show that while the BBC enjoys a slight lead in terms of share, commercial and non-commercial radio remain neck and neck when it comes to reach. Encouraging news for both sides, though, is the fact that, year on year, reach for… Continue reading RAJAR Results Q1 2002- Overall Summary
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colspan=”5″>BBC Radio Stations Weekly Reach (000s) Year On Year Comparisons
A year on year comparison of RAJAR figures released for the first quarter of this year show that once again BBC Radio 2 dominated the national scene. Compared to Q1 2001 it saw an 18.7% increase in weekly reach to 12.9 million, while share was up 1.6 percentage points to 15.7%.Of the commercial stations Classic… Continue reading RAJAR Results Q1 2002- National Stations
The following tables show the best and worst performers, in terms of weekly reach and share of listening, of the local commercial stations broadcasting outside London.The following stations were reporting with new survey periods: Real Radio Scotland, which is reporting quarterly and 107.4 The Quay, which is now reporting half-yearly.New groups in this quarter’s report… Continue reading RAJAR Results Q1 2002: Local Commercial Stations
US national radio revenue figures rose 1% in February, while local spend fell by 6%, according to the latest data from the US Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB). The RAB says that the dip in local advertising is due primarily to the lack of TV sweeps advertising in this Olympic year. The combined total for February… Continue reading US Radio Revenue Growth Dips In February
MeasureCast has announced internet radio audience size and demographic data for week ending 11 March 2002 revealing a combined total of 4,034,980 hours of programming for the top 10 web radio networks. 66,827 more hours than was streamed by this group of broadcasters during the previous week. Five of the top 10 networks attracted larger… Continue reading Virgin Tops Web Radio Rankings
Initial findings from Arbitron‘s RADAR 72 Radio Usage Report show that over the course of a typical week, US radio reaches 99% of adults aged 18+ who hold a professional or managerial position and who live in a household with an income of $50,000 or more. Ninety-eight percent of college graduates listened to radio, while… Continue reading US Radio Listening Highest Amongst Well Educated With Upper Income, Finds RADAR
CIBC analyst Jason Helfstein says that US radio, being a ‘high-growth, high-return business’ is well-positioned to benefit from the rebounding economy. “Radio as an industry is well positioned to benefit from a cyclical recovery, however, certain operators will be able to take advantage of the capital markets to add stations, which should enhance their growth… Continue reading US Radio ‘Well Positioned’ To Benefit From Rebounding Economy
US radio revenue rebounded in January according to the latest totals released by the Radio Advertising Bureau. National sales were up 2% when compared with January 2001 and local revenue increased by 1% year on year. The combined total for local and national spending also grew by 1% in year on year comparison. The announcement… Continue reading US Radio Rebounds In January
Advertising revenue, including sponsorship and promotions, for UK commercial radio fell 7.7% year on year to £549 million, according to the latest figures from the Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB). It is projected that the fall will be in line with the performance of the display advertising market as a whole during the year, resulting in… Continue reading UK Commercial Radio Revenue Dips 7.7% In 2001, In Line With Display Market