Chris Powell, newly appointed President of the Institute of Practioners in Advertising, made his inaugural speech at the members lunch today, outlining the priorities for the Association under his two-year Presidency.“If we are successful in building belief in the worth of advertising” he says “we can look forward to a period where harmful pressure on… Continue reading Powell Outlines IPA Future Plans
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The Football League is to lose out on over £80,000 in television fees because of a decision to reschedule Sunday’s first division match between Portsmouth and Wolves, now to take place on Saturday. Difficulties began when Portsmouth defender Kit Symons was asked to play for Wales in their World Cup Qualifier against RCS next week,… Continue reading ITV & FA In Schedule Row
A spokesperson at Bauer publishing confirmed to MediaTel this morning that the company has set up a new package for advertisers which involves selling across its three titles, Take a Break, Bella and TV Quick.Elaine Luff has been appointed as group sales director of The Publishing Consultancy, which handles UK sales for Bauer. Luff will… Continue reading Bauer To Sell Across Three Titles
Chairman of United Newspapers, Lord Stevens, announced yesterday that he fully backs recent attempts by the Press Complaints Commission to improve press standards, believing that the media has overstepped the mark in recent years. In the company’s annual report Lord Stevens warned against statutory regulation of the press, feeling that it should be strongly resisted… Continue reading Express Chairman Voices Opinion
The Manchester Evening News, established in 1868, has been named regional newspaper of the year in the UK Press Gazette Regional Press Awards, which took place in London yesterday. The paper also claimed the award for daily newspaper of the year. Amongst the winners were the following: Newspaper of the Year Winner Manchester Evening News… Continue reading Manchester Paper Wins Award
One third of the BBC’s 24,500 staff will be asked to take part in a Corporation survey to find out what they think of the BBC as a whole, including an investigation into management structure. The completed 28-page questionnaires will be sent to independent consultants for analysis which will be published in due course. The… Continue reading BBC Staff To Take Part In Survey
Today MediaTel re-introduces its month by month monitoring of commercial minutes sold, beginning with March (four weeks).The main interest is of course with the performance of C4: Daypart Comm.Mins Hours Index* 0600-0930 602 98 88 0930-1230 288.5 84 49 1230-1730 961.5 140 98 1730-2000 556 70 113 2000-2300 657 84 112 2300-0600 798.5 99.8 114… Continue reading Commercial Minutage For March 1993
The Manchester Evening News, established in 1868, has been named regional newspaper of the year in the UK Press Gazette Regional Press Awards, which took place in London yesterday. The paper also claimed the award for daily newspaper of the year. Amongst the winners were the following: Newspaper of the Year Winner Manchester Evening News… Continue reading Manchester Paper Wins Award
Chairman of United Newspapers, Lord Stevens, announced yesterday that he fully backs recent attempts by the Press Complaints Commission to improve press standards, believing that the media has overstepped the mark in recent years. In the company’s annual report Lord Stevens warned against statutory regulation of the press, feeling that it should be strongly resisted… Continue reading Express Chairman Voices Opinion
Today MediaTel re-introduces its month by month monitoring of commercial minutes sold, beginning with March (four weeks).The main interest is of course with the performance of C4: Daypart Comm.Mins Hours Index* 0600-0930 602 98 88 0930-1230 288.5 84 49 1230-1730 961.5 140 98 1730-2000 556 70 113 2000-2300 657 84 112 2300-0600 798.5 99.8 114… Continue reading Commercial Minutage For March 1993