The “enemies of the people” slur against journalists is growing dangerous, writes Raymond Snoddy – what’s the endgame?
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Customer experience can reinforce brand promises, writes Nick Manning – and here is an outstanding case study to prove it.
It’s a pity there are still so many border disputes within our industry at a time of such change and challenge, writes Bob Wootton. Plus: the men-children running Silicon Valley and adland’s generational change…
The difficulty of disentangling duplication in adland’s revenues figures is causing serious confusion, writes Dominic Mills. Plus: Why brands must stop asking customers to do their hard work.
From inviting neo-Nazis on to news shows to the BBC’s problem of achieving balance, there is a worrying trend of extreme views being elevated by broadcast media, writes Raymond Snoddy.
Collaborative machines are set to redefine parts of our society, writes futurist Tracey Follows – they also provide an opportunity for those who can help us navigate a new era of people-tech culture.
Too many brands are launching chatbots willy nilly, often without a clear goal or business plan, writes Richard Madigan – but new tech points to a brighter future.
Changing auction dynamics mean advertisers may be overpaying for media, writes Brian Fitzpatrick. Is your programmatic ad tech up for the challenge?
The advertising industry is going to need to upgrade its weaponry if it thinks it’s going to take the fight back to the likes of Accenture, writes Dominic Mills. Plus: raining on radio’s parade…
As Facebook takes a multi-billion dollar kicking, print ad revenue for newsbrands has increased for the first time in seven years. Is this the start of something new, wonders Raymond Snoddy.