This week Simon Andrews, founder of Addictive!, takes a look at building brands and the development of smartphones across the globe…
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The print version of Newsweek is making a comeback, business leaders are falling out of love with social media and old-fashioned journalistic values are on the rise. Are we seeing some important trends emerging here?
Dominic Mills has ruffled some feathers on the trading desks after questioning their transparency. Here, VivaKi’s Marco Bertozzi argues his work has challenged the status quo and calls for a more open dialogue with trade bodies…
Combining content generation with media sales is set to become a growing trend for 2014 says Patrick Fuller, chairman of Result – sparked by a rise in consumer appetite for owned media…
In the second of the series, Torin speaks with Pamela Conway of British Gas about advertising when under political and consumer pressure, the changing media mix for the energy giant and the focus on ‘owned’ channels.
As it celebrated its centenary last month, Peter Houston laid down some serious challenges for the Professional Publishers Association. Here, writing exclusively for Newsline, CEO Barry McIlheney, responds…
Trading desks have escaped the laser-like scrutiny of both the client procurement departments and the media auditors, says Dominic Mills – but he can’t see this lasting, and sooner or later they’ll have to come clean…
This week, Simon Andrews, founder of Addictive!, looks at how smart brands need to operate in a ‘post mobile world’, and why Google and eBay having their own ‘brand cathedrals’ is starting to make sense.
Out-of-home media do not audit comfortably says Route’s James Whitmore – so he’d like to suggest a staging post to help the sector overcome some inherent problems. The first step is to imagine our solar system…
David Ogilvy once said that the problem with market research is that people don’t think how they feel, they don’t say what they think and they don’t do what they say. Here, David Brennan tries to untangle the contradictions…