Kantar Media’s Anna Gunn uses the latest TGI findings to examine the middle classes’s growing love affair with Aldi and Lidl – and how best to target them.
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Ahead of MediaTel’s CES Debrief in January, the event’s chair, Graham Lovelace, takes a look at what we might expect – and what the implications might be for advertisers, agencies and media owners.
Richard Marks argues that, for the major media research agencies to secure their long-term future, they need to invest in a different type of talent and shout from the rooftops about why good research matters in the first place.
Unlike some industry voices, Dominic Mills doesn’t believe the public needs protecting from native advertising – but the ads do need to be clearly labelled and those brands that slip up can do irreparable damage…
From programmatic to native advertising, Peter Houston looks at five things that have vexed magazine people in 2013 – that we’ll all still be talking about in 2014.
The use of digital screens in the outdoor market is set to deliver some stunning new opportunities for both brands and consumers, says Primesight’s Lee Anderson
As another year draws to a close, Aegis’ Jim Marshall looks at some of the more surreal, sad and interesting media events – and dishes out his award for the most pretentious (and exotic) agency mission statement.
As public spending faces further cuts and the way we consume media changes, Raymond Snoddy examines how the BBC might look to other public service broadcasters to find a funding model that works.
Dominic Mills lit the flame and then VivaKi’s Marco Bertozzi threw petrol on it; now, ISBA’s Bob Wootton speaks up for advertisers over the thorny issue of trading desks and transparency…
In a society where consumers want to stand out from the crowd, Karen Kanty, head of news at Future Foundation, looks at how brands should approach individualism – and what this means for the ongoing Big Data debate…