Back from the seasonal break, ISBA’s Bob Wootton shares his thoughts on mobile technology, the future of the BBC and fires a caustic shot across the bow of anyone unfortunate enough to have sent him an e-card this Christmas…
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From the squirm-inducing faux sincerity of ‘storytelling’ to cringe-worthy neologisms and generic football ads, Dominic Mills starts the New Year with a list of things the media world desperately needs to bin.
If you’re looking for the future of ratings sources as media changes, you might want to consider looking past the screen and into the media devices themselves, says Mediaocean’s Sarah Lawson Johnston.
From Twitter’s ad proposition to the future of the BBC, and Local TV to Facebook’s falling popularity, Raymond Snoddy shares his views on the most important media trends to watch out for in 2014.
As another year closes, Newsline has sought views from ZenithOptimedia, MEC, Limited Space, Digit and NewsCred to see what they view as the key trends for 2014.
Anne de Kerckhove, managing director, EMEA, Videology takes a look at some key trends that will impact online video advertising in 2014 – from the merging of TV and online to the rise of programmatic.
Trainspotting and Fight Club helped define consumerism in the 90s, but the rise of digital has changed the world in huge ways since – so how do we define ourselves in today? SMG’s Simon Pont investigates.
In the frantic run-up to Christmas, Newsworks’ Rufus Olins examines the findings of a new report into the growing tablet market – and notes some interesting changes over the last 12 months.
As a report into the BBC’s handling of the £100 million failed DMI nears publication, Raymond Snoddy examines other mismanaged and costly failures under Mark Thompson’s governance.
The sharing economy – that sees goods swapped or leased – is now a well-established and growing phenomenon – yet its consumer-to-consumer nature means businesses are being cut out of the loop. What does this mean for brands?