As the release of the July to December 2006 consumer magazine ABCs creeps ever nearer, IPC Media has spawned another women’s weekly title into an already crowded market. But will Look, a glossy femme “bible” saturated with celebs, tawdry high street fashions and body image hysteria, really be a viable commercial success, and will women… Continue reading NewsLine Feature: Look, Another Women’s Weekly
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MediaTel Group is gearing up for the next installment in its ‘Future Of…’ series of seminars, with the latest focus on consumer magazines.Shortly after the July to December 2006 ABC data for consumer magazines is released, the UK’s leading online media intelligence company will turn its attention to this ever mutable sector, hosting a lively… Continue reading MediaTel Group Examines Future of Consumer Magazines
Web traffic to the blog pages of the top 10 online newspapers in the US grew 210% year over year in December, according to new research from Nielsen//NetRatings. The overall unique audience growth to these online newspapers was 9% year over year. Unique visitors to blog pages accounted for 13% of their December 2006 internet… Continue reading Online Traffic To US Newspaper Blog Pages Increases
Daily Newspaper MarketBritain’s national newspapers suffered a slump in readership year on year for the six-month period to November 2006, with Daily titles dropping almost 5% overall and the Sunday market feeling a 3.3% total fall.The Daily Telegraph and the Independent were the only Daily titles to boost their readership, whilst all other papers in… Continue reading NRS National Newspaper Round-Up: November 2006
Daily Newspaper MarketThe nation’s daily newspapers once again saw their overall circulation decline, dropping by just over 3% year on year for December 2006.It was a dismal picture across all sectors, with the Popular titles suffering the most significant losses. The Daily Mirror felt the largest dip, losing around 138,000 issues, or more than 8%… Continue reading ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: December 2006
In December the London Lite closed the gap on thelondonpaper, increasing its circulation by around 5,500 copies from November to December.Meanwhile thelondonpaper suffered a drop of around 14,500 copies over the same period, to leave it with a total circulation of over 410,000, whilst the London Lite‘s grew to over 400,000.The Evening Standard once again… Continue reading London Lite Closes Gap On thelondonpaper
It was a difficult year for the Press industry in 2006, with ever-declining circulation and readership figures, a freesheet war on the streets of London and new media platforms forcing titles to close.The year began with three of the nation’s daily titles cutting their cover price. The Daily Express lopped 10p from its cover price,… Continue reading End Of Year Round Up: Press
The introduction of the new London freesheets was the most important media event of 2006, according to MediaTel NewsLine’s first End of Year Poll.The battle between the new free titles in the summer (see Lunchtime News War Starts Today), proved to be the most significant media event of the year according to NewsLine readers, taking… Continue reading London Freesheet Battle Was Most Significant Media Event Of 2006
Daily Newspaper MarketReadership figures for national daily newspapers in Britain have fallen year on year for the six-month period to October, slipping by more than 5%.All titles in the Mid-Market and Popular sectors were down, with just the Daily Telegraph and the Independent in the Quality sector boosting their readerships.The Sun remained the most read… Continue reading NRS National Newspaper Round-Up: October 2006
Daily Newspaper MarketNational daily newspapers saw their readership figures fall year on year for the six months to September, sliding 5.2% overall, with the Popular and Mid-Market titles all suffering declines.The Daily Star saw the largest percentage decrease in readership, losing almost 17%, or almost 300,000 readers, whilst the majority of the Quality titles actually… Continue reading NRS National Newspaper Round-Up: September 2006