Daily Newspaper MarketDaily newspapers in the UK saw an almost 4% decline in circulation year on year for November, with all but one of the titles across the board seeing circulation figures fall.In the Quality sector, the Times felt a year on year slide of more than 37,500 copies, whilst the Daily Mail in the… Continue reading ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: November 2006
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The Evening Standard continues to feel the effects of the London freesheets, dropping 3.4% of its circulation from October to November.The paper once again saw a fall in its total figure month on month, down almost 9,500 copies to leave it with a circulation of almost 272,500.Thelondonpaper appears to be winning the battle on the… Continue reading Evening Standard’s Circulation Slips As Freesheets Add Issues
London Titles Jan-07 Feb-07 Actual Change (Jan-Feb) % Change (Jan-Feb) Morning Papers City AM 82,672 95,053 12,381 15.0 Metro 548,007 542,844 -5,163 -0.9 Evening Papers Evening Standard… Continue reading thelondonpaper Pulls Away From London Lite
The ownership of the Daily Mirror newspaper has been thrown into question after reports that millionaire businessman Marcus Evans is ready to make another bid for the title. The Times has said that Evans, who two years ago offered between £700 million and £800 million, could offer between £550 million and £600 million this time.… Continue reading Daily Mirror Could Be Sold To Millionaire Businessman
Daily Newspaper MarketMost titles in the daily newspaper market saw a dip in their circulation year on year for October, with the market overall seeing a 3% decline.The Financial Times was the only daily newspaper to boost its distribution, up almost 5% year on year for the month, whilst the Daily Mail remained fairly static,… Continue reading ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: October 2006
The Evening Standard newspaper has once again felt a circulation loss after the introduction of the two new free newspapers onto the London market, dropping 2.4% month on month to 281,915 copies in October’s ABCs.The paper, which increased its cover price from 40p to 50p in August (see Standard Raises Price As London Lite Launches),… Continue reading Evening Standard’s October Circulation Drops
Future publishing has signed a deal with Sony, reviving the Official PlayStation Magazine title for a new magazine to launch next month.The magazine will continue to lead with editorial about the forthcoming PlayStation 3 console, which is launched in the UK next March, alongside coverage of portable console the PSP and the established PS2.Future will… Continue reading Future To Revive Official PlayStation Magazine
Daily Newspaper MarketThe nation’s daily newspapers saw their readership figures fall by almost 6% year on year for the six months from March to August this year.Only two daily titles saw their readership boosted in the period, with the Guardian adding marginally to its readership and the Independent‘s total being boosted by more than 8%.The… Continue reading NRS National Newspaper Round-Up: August 2006
Maxim publisher Dennis Publishing is launching another lads’ mag. However, the latest addition to the genre will not be available in print, but rather will be an online offering.Monkey, which will be published each Wednesday on the net, will launch on 1 November via email. The format will incorporate written, video and audio content embedded… Continue reading Dennis Launches New Online Lads Mag
The London Lite is winning the battle of the free newspapers, recording its first ABC of 359,389, compared to thelondonpaper, which stands at a distribution of 327,120.The new free titles, which were launched in London at the beginning of this month, have also clearly impacted on the Capital’s paid-for evening newspaper, the Evening Standard.The Standard… Continue reading London Lite Wins Battle Of Free Papers For September