UK press advertising revenues may be showing signs of an upturn, albeit patchy, according to analysts at Merrill Lynch. At Trinity Mirror, struggling national revenues have begun to recover in May and June, turning positive after a 10.3% decline in the first five months of the year (see Trinity Mirror Sees Very Little Visibility, Poor… Continue reading UK Press Advertising On The Up?
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About 21 million Europeans are regular visitors to newspaper websites, according to a new report by Forrester Research. This is equivalent to just 8% of the the continent’s population. Nevertheless, the study found that individuals who access web newspapers are generally younger, wealthier, and better educated than the average consumer. They also tend to have… Continue reading Newspaper Sites Attract Upmarket Readers, Says Forrester
The latest figures from the NRS show that the readership of national newspapers for the period December-May 2002 was up 0.5% year on year.The main beneficiaries of the rise in readership were at GMG. The Guardian saw an impressive 33.8% year on year increase in readership, pushing its total up 343,000 to 1.36 million. A… Continue reading NRS National Newspaper Round-Up – May 2002
The printed press needs to reduce its dependency on advertising if it is to maintain its influence in the media marketplace, according to Publishing In The Knowledge Economy, Pira International’s new analysis of the publishing industry. The report, presented to the Department Of Trade and Industry (DTI) and UK Publishing Media (UKPM), does acknowledge the… Continue reading Publishers Directed To Meet Challenge Of New Media
UK publishing companies will need a helping hand from the Government if they are to be competitive on the world stage, says a new study commissioned for the Department Of Trade and Industry (DTI). Publishing in the Knowledge Economy has been produced by Pira International for the DTI and UK Publishing Media (UKPM). The report… Continue reading Charity Must Start At Home For UK Publishers
The latest figures from ABC reveal that month on month, overall circulation of national newspapers fell during May by 0.7%. The worst loss in percentage terms was at Sport First, which dropped 10,000 or 15.9% from its total month on month. Among the larger selling titles, the Mail on Sunday had a difficult month, dropping… Continue reading ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – May 2002
The UK’s publishing industry faces a double challenge of globalisation and new technology, according to a Department Of Trade and Industry report, Publishing in the Knowledge Economy. The report, carried out by PIRA International, shows that the industry is one of the largest in the country, employing more than 160,000 people and is worth £22bn.… Continue reading Publishers Must Keep Pace in Technology Race
Total US magazine advertising revenue increased 2.4% year on year during May, closing at $1.5 billion, according to the latest data from the Publishers Information Bureau (PIB). However, the number of ad pages for May were down 6.3% on last year, at 20,268. In the year to date, advertising revenue showed a 3.3% decline, closing… Continue reading US Magazine Revenues Up But Volumes Down In May
There is still no visible end to the current slump in advertising spend, said Europe’s largest newspaper publisher, Axel Springer, according to a report from the World Advertising Research Centre. The report cites Springer’s CEO, Mathias Döpfner, as saying it is the biggest crisis to hit print media since the Second World War. The company’s… Continue reading Axel Springer Sees No End To Ad Slump
NRS figures for National Newspapers in the six month period ending in April 2002 show that over readership has declined 0.75% year on year to 66.18 million. Year on year analysis shows that the broadsheets saw the largest fluctuations in readership.The best performer both in terms of percentage and actual numbers was the Guardian, which… Continue reading NRS National Newspaper Round-Up – April 2002