The TV industry must take steps to make digital equipment and services easier to use if uptake of the technology is to be optimised, says a new report out this week. The research, Digital Television for All was carried out by The Generics Group for the Department of Trade and Industry and focused on the… Continue reading Digital TV Should Be More User Friendly, Says Report
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On-demand television services may be the saviour of cash-strapped cable operators which have sunk huge investments into developing their digital TV platforms only to receive little ROI from consumers, according to analysts at the McKinsey Quarterly. In the US, the major cable companies have ploughed more than $70 billion into digital upgrades, but few consumers… Continue reading INSIGHTanalysis: Will On-Demand Save Cable?
Figures for July show that broadcast advertising is picking up in the US and prospects for 2004 are even brighter with political and sporting events likely to act as a springboard. At its recent annual forecasting conference, the Television Bureau of Advertising re-iterated that spot TV advertising would increase by 1-3% this year with growth… Continue reading Nielsen Confirms Upturn In TV Adspend
The major broadcast and cable television networks in the US have been ‘quietly but steadily’ turning to enhanced, interactive TV programming in greater numbers and with higher frequency, according to a new report from BrightLine Partners. The study notes that many commentators had dismissed early predictions that interactive programming and advertising would revolutionise television, turning… Continue reading Interactive TV Shows Steady Growth, Says US Study
After a lacklustre 2003, US spot TV revenues will increase by more than 10% next year, according to the Television Bureau of Advertising. The association, which represents America’s broadcast television industry, held its annual forecast conference last week and analysts were broadly positive about prospects for the near future. The first half of 2003 saw… Continue reading 2004 To Be A Banner Year For TV Advertising
The Television Bureau of Advertising holds its annual autumn forecasting conference in New York today at a time when there are encouraging signs of growth in the spot TV market. Comparisons with 2002 were expected to be difficult because of the boost given to US TV revenues by the Winter Olympics and the political season.… Continue reading Advertisers Switching Back To Spot TV
Personal video recorders are having far less impact on viewing habits than was once predicted and currently pose no significant threat to television advertising, according to executives at this year’s Media Guardian Edinburgh International Television Festival. ITV’s marketing and commercial director, Jim Hytner, was just one of a number of senior industry figures to dismiss… Continue reading PVRs Fail To Revolutionise TV Viewing
The cost of digital TV set-top box equipment could fall as low as â‚Ź36 (£27) by 2007, as fierce competition in the supplier market continues to drive down prices, according to a new report from Strategy Analytics. Demand for digital terrestrial TV (DTT) services is starting to look much stronger in Europe, with the UK’s… Continue reading DTV Equipment Costs To Fall Below £30 By 2007, Says Report
The majority of television viewers with personal video recorders (PVRs) often do not watch the commercials, according to an ongoing study by Jack Myers Report. In what is an increasingly worrying trend for the media and advertising industries, Myers’ survey has again shown that only a small minority of PVR users reguarly watch the ads… Continue reading INSIGHTanalysis: PVR Users Regularly Avoid Ads
The increasing power of satellite TV channels made up for the ongoing decline in terrestrial earnings in July, with revenues increasing 20.6% year on year.However, the increasing strength of the satellite sector may be further eroding the diminishing market share of terrestrial channels, which saw total revenues decline by 4.8% last month.The biggest drop came… Continue reading TV Market Round-Up July 2003