BSkyB has announced that it has hit its target of seven million pay-TV subscribers three months earlier than foreseen. On the fifth anniversary of the Sky Digital service (see BSkyB Set To Celebrate Seven Million Subscribers), Rupert Murdoch’s satellite broadcaster said that as of September 30 it has 7,015,000 subscribers in the UK and Ireland.… Continue reading BSkyB Reaches Subscriber Target Ahead Of Schedule
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Analogue switch-off, the impact of personal video recorders and the increasingly complex task of audience measurement are just some of the issues due for debate at this year’s European Television Symposium, which will take place in Prague next month. The two day event entitled ‘The Race To Analogue Switch Off’ will focus on the growth… Continue reading Television Conference To Tackle Analogue Switch-Off
The percentage of homes receiving any kind of multichannel TV – analogue or digital – rose from 48.6% to 49.8% quarter on quarter, in the three months to 30 June 2003.Digital television (DTV) is also very close to the 50% penetration mark, now reaching 45.5% of the country’s homes, up from 43.9% in the first… Continue reading ITC Cable Statistics Q2 2003
Multichannel television is now received in virtually half of all UK TV homes, according to the latest figures from the Independent Television Commission (ITC). The percentage of homes receiving any kind of multichannel TV – analogue or digital – rose from 48.6% to 49.8% quarter on quarter, in the three months to 30 June 2003.… Continue reading INSIGHTanalysis: Multichannel TV Reaches Half Of UK Homes
The declining power ratio of ITV1 in the fragmenting television marketplace was once again evident during August. The UK’s largest commercial broadcaster experienced a 9.1% year on year decline in ad revenues as its market share continued to decline at the hands of its satellite rivals. Satellite revenues grew by almost 25% year on year… Continue reading TV Market Round-Up – August 2003
The market for multi-channel television has experienced unprecedented growth so far this year and now extends to more than 10 million homes in the UK, according to a new study from Continental Research. The Autumn 2003 Digital TV Report reveals that the successful launch of Freeview and growth of the Sky digital subscriber base has… Continue reading Digital TV Now Reaches More Than 10 Million UK Homes
Freeview, the digital terrestrial television service, is expected to have been adopted by two million homes in the UK by the time it celebrates its first birthday at the end of next month. The free-to-air platform, which replaced the beleaguered ITV Digital last October, has been warmly received by consumer and it is believed to… Continue reading Freeview Could Be In 2 Million Homes By First Birthday
Audience figures at ITV are starting to show signs of a turnaround, with adult commercial impacts in the calendar year to August up by 6.6%, whilst average share of viewing is down just 0.7% points over the same period. BARB data from show that the turnaround in impacts for the adult audience began at… Continue reading INSIGHTanalysis: ITV Arrests Audience Decline, But For How Long?
At present, penetration of personal video recorders (PVR) is low but a new report from the Yankee Group suggests that this will not be the case for long and the advertising industry will feel their impact from 2005 onwards. Ever since it was introduced as a concept, advertisers have lived in fear of PVR technology,… Continue reading PVRs Threaten 30-Second Ads, Says Yankee Group
Despite growing confidence in broadcasting circles, the weakness of the local advertising market is mitigating against accelerated growth in the sector as a whole, according to analysis from the US. Merrill Lynch concurs with other organisations which are eulogising national advertising in the second half of 2003 (see Nielsen Confirms Upturn In TV Adspend). In… Continue reading Sluggish Local Market Hits Broadcast Revenues