Raymond Snoddy tells a story that rather eloquently illustrates just how large an issue privacy is becoming and how things can go seriously awry when the marketing community gets it even inadvertently wrong…
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Andrew Bradford, VP client consulting, media, Nielsen, says we need to ensure that the industry has the knowledge to ask the right questions. Plenty is also being done by trade bodies and organisations to promote learning, but it seems clear that there is still a long way to go…
Chris Worrell, European research manager, Specific Media, says online video is not simply TV smaller. It brings with it its own unique characteristics, the viewing experience is different to that of traditional TV and the reasons behind viewing are also distinct from its older, more established sibling…
Will King, Unanimis, wonders whether it’s time to focus on the mobilisation of digital media as a whole, rather than wait for the ‘Year of Mobile’ to arrive…
Jeff Siegel, senior vice president,Worldwide Advertising, Rovi, talks about the challenges and opportunities of dynamic advertising in a multi-screen, connected environment…
Alex Franks, MD, Blyk, takes a look at the evidence…
Simon Andrews is chairing the Mobile Advertising session at MediaTel Group’s Media Playground 2011 next week… find out how you can be there for just £50 in this week’s Mobile Fix!
Shaun Gregory, managing director, O2 Media: Everyone says that 2011 is at last the year of mobile. The truth is that this is just the beginning – this will be the decade of mobile…
Raymond Snoddy: Jeremy Hunt has truly understood the benefits of delay in the political world – sometimes the most intractable problems can go away if you just leave them long enough. Time to take advantage & refer BSkyB/Murdoch to the Competition Commission; and as for the great local television project, endless delay would not be too long…
David Fieldhouse, strategy director, Linking Mobile, says something important is happening to mobile right now, which will change everything for brands and the way they approach mobile advertising. It’s called m: commerce…