Duncan Southgate, global brand director at Millward Brown, on the excitement surrounding Google+…
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Marnie Virdee, head of research & sales operations at talkSPORT, on the station’s strategy and success…
Matthew Rouse, account director at Mindshare, gives an agency view on RAJAR’s Winners & Losers and National Brands…
Adam Bowie, head of strategy & planning at Absolute Radio, says it’s worth highlighting the fact that 42.5% of the population listen to at least some of their radio on a digital platform. “That’s an excellent result that we continue to see grow”…
Steve Parkinson, MD of Bauer Radio London, gives his view on the latest RAJAR results…
James Cridland, managing director of Media UK and a radio futurologist, says the power is now in the brand, not in the individual stations that make them up…
Raymond Snoddy: The seven-year Grand Prix deal may be messy and less than ideal but it is the clearest indication so far of what a 20% cut in revenues will mean in reality for the BBC…
Jim Marshall on TV’s renewed fashionista status – something which TV’s Thinkbox, more user friendly sales teams, and the new management team at ITV should get credit for.
According to our estimates for 31 July (for Sunday Popular and Mid-Market titles), the market is now down nearly half a million copies from June’s ABC figure.
Simon Willis, deputy head of broadcast at MEC, says no idea is too big to play out in a cinema environment…