In the latest Mobile Fix, Simon Andrews, founder of the full service mobile agency addictive!, wonders who will pick up the bill for the bandwidth needed by mobile web players…
More Opinion articles
In response to John Billett’s comment on CRR (and Marshall’s age, hearing and understanding), Jim Marshall begs to differ…
In response to Jim Marshall’s TV Summit write-up John Billett, director and owner of, says the operation of agency deals means CRR acts as a barrier to entry for smaller buyers and as a protection for the larger agency…
Raymond Snoddy wonders what Nick Shott will make of ‘Channel 6’. “Is it a cunning attempt to launch a new national channel by the back door? I think we can assume that neither Kelvin MacKenzie nor L!VE TV (or even topless darts) have anything to do with this latest plan, though history rarely repeats itself in such a perfect way”…
Jim Marshall wonders whether MediaTel’s recent TV Summit makes the case for scaling up to a full TV Conference now – the sort of TV conference that used to happen in Monte Carlo and Barcelona some years ago when everything was less complicated, more profitable and more profligate…
Raymond Snoddy says “the Lords Select Committee might come out with a clarion call to abolish CRR but I doubt it; the CC will not wish to re-open the can of worms anytime soon; and while the idea of a wide-ranging investigation into all the dark workings of the advertising business is superficially attractive it is difficult to find anybody who actually wants such a cumbersome and time-consuming thing to happen.”
Nigel Gwilliam, digital consultant at the IPA, says technology is driving breakneck change in the media world, but when it comes to working with agencies, online media owners have discovered there are few things like good old-fashioned customer service. It’s time for us to celebrate this new found maturity with the MOAs…
informitv’s William Cooper makes an early assessment of Virgin’s new DVR: “Slick and a vast improvement”.
Julia Hutchison, COO at the APA, says the latest NRS figures represent “a clear sign that passion for and investment in editorialised branded content is still soaring”…
In the latest Mobile Fix, Simon Andrews, founder of the full service mobile agency addictive!, wonders whether mobile operators will really make a go of app-stores…