David Brennan on the findings from Thinkbox and Decipher’s ‘Tellyport’ research: “One stat that should make advertisers sit up, listen and get very excited is that over half of our sample claim to have gone shopping online while watching live TV”…
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Raymond Snoddy, says the appointment of Rachel Bristow and Peter Duffy to the board of the Newspaper Marketing Agency marks a clear (and cunning) message to the newspaper industry…
informitv’s William Cooper wonders “whether ITV will see significant benefits from YouView. Even by the most optimistic projections, YouView could take years to reach a few million homes”…
Raymond Snoddy, questions the definition of news – from a shaggy dog story that is more newsy than a Royal engagement to the extent to which TV news is “lead by the nose” by everything from dramatic pictures to stunts manufactured by interest groups to get attention…
Chris Humphrey, general manager, international markets at Adgent Digital, says if brands want ‘stack it high, buy it cheap’ online media, look no further than ad exchanges or DSPs – however, if brands really want to differentiate themselves, they should sprinkle creativity throughout their online activities.
I attended two events on connected TV last week, and, accepting natural bias, one (our own!) enthused me and left me scratching my head at the number of “hedging your bets” alliances that are going on out there across numerous exciting platforms; whilst the other left me, well… just plain concerned.Let’s start positive. Our second… Continue reading The future of TV excites us… rather more than our millionaire MPs!
Raymond Snoddy asks are we all being had when it comes to Widdy’s Strictly staying-power and constant cheap thrills from the X Factor camp? If so, it is certainly working on the ratings rat race front…
Greg Grimmer, partner, Hurrell Moseley Dawson & Grimmer says “there’s only one thing guaranteed in advertising, you will lose business! This cheerful ditty keeps me going on the new business trail, looking for those clients who want ambitious, forward thinking work for their business.”
Raymond Snoddy reveals all from the MediaPro conference – GNM is making more money from its online dating service than NI is from Times online; i has only been selling around 125,000 a day; and Lebedev says the Standard and The Independent are “definitely doomed” if they stay as they are…
Marnie Virdee, head of sales operations at talkSPORT, explains why last week’s RAJAR release wasn’t an “artificial blip”; what talkSPORT is doing to help commercial radio compete on a level playing field; and how the station copes with not having “the same deep pockets of the BBC” when it comes to sports rights…