Richard Windle, director, Ipsos Mori, looks at the current media research landscape and gives us his views…The rapid pace of change in media consumption has placed increasing demands on how different media are measured. Indeed the take-up of multi-platforms presents new and real challenges when attempting to research fragmenting and diversifying markets. Erwin Ephron in… Continue reading Is Research Keeping Up?
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David Evans, business director,, looks ahead at the forthcoming season of must-see MediaTel seminars…The morning of October 15 sees the beginning of our 08/09 seminar season with the first of our “Future of..” events examining the prospects for media agencies. Feedback from attendees over the past three years indicates the relevance, convenience and value… Continue reading MediaTel Seminar Season Kicks-Off
Christina Goodman, director of global marketing and client development, Dynamic Logic, looks at aggregated results from the latest mobile research studies in the UK and US and sees what they can tell us about mobile brand advertising performance…From over 30 AdIndex for Mobile research studies conducted in the US and the UK across a number… Continue reading Exposure to Mobile Advertising Can Positively Shift Brand Metrics
Angee Walls, managing director, Catalina Marketing UK, examines in-store marketing and how it can be used to good effect, particularly during these tough economic times…The recent press obsession with the current economic climate has created a change in attitude among consumers and retailers alike. While the truth of rising food prices has pushed retailers to… Continue reading In-Store Marketing
Iain Dawson, head of insight, Equi=Media, discusses the main points that online marketers should be focusing on in their attempts to improve understanding of consumer behaviour.Search marketing has continued its meteoric rise this year, and will undoubtedly be one of the most powerful marketing tools in 2008. But it’s clear that the search discipline is… Continue reading Searching For The Answers – Why Online Marketers Need To Get Better At Analysing Consumer Behaviour
Mike Spicer, group MD of EHS Brann, discusses effective straplines and how they can be used to cement a brand in consumers’ vocabularies.The issue of straplines, whether to have one or not or change a long standing one, is hotly discussed. They can be incredibly powerful tools in cementing a brand in the lives and… Continue reading Effective Straplines
Ross Williams, co-founder and chairman of, examines how brands and individuals can enhance their online presence whilst introducing new revenue steams.In the current media climate, having a competitive and engaging multi-platform presence is hugely important to a brand. With Microsoft gifting Facebook $15bn for a measly 1.6% stake, Google clinching YouTube for $1.6bn and… Continue reading Online Dating Applications – Maximising Your Brand’s Online Potential
Andy Cocker, co-founder and managing partner at Infectious Media, the specialist digital media agency, takes an in-depth look at Google’s new media planning tool, Ad Planner.On 24th June 2008, at the Advertising Research Foundation annual conference in New York, Google unveiled their new media planning tool, Ad Planner.To many industry observers this wasn’t much of… Continue reading Google’s Ad Planner
Paul Robinson, global MD of KidsCo Worldwide, the new Kids TV channel launching in the UK soon, discusses the challenges of breaking into a tough market.Kids TV has become a plethora of choice and channels geared towards kids of all ages, from pre-school to teens and even specially skewed baby TV. In the UK alone,… Continue reading Breaking Into The Kids TV Market
Frank Hall, who runs his own independent media consultancy, FOB Consulting Ltd, looks at whether the national newspaper industry should introduce a greater clarity into its market figures…At last week’s MediaTel seminar on the Future of National Newspapers, each of the panellists made a strong case for the sound, long-term future of our daily and… Continue reading Newspapers – Time To Show & Tell?