In our latest Research Focus report, Future Foundation reveals that TV is still the main way for consumers to get their news, although the internet is catching up…It seems that old habits are hard to break, and in spite of the accelerated pace of internet usage and near ubiquitous nature of the medium, our research… Continue reading Future Foundation: When it comes to the latest news – TV is king
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Jon Mitchell, Spotify UK sales director, explains why audio advertising will become the norm online…On Spotify you’d be hard pushed to see our listeners providing us with passionate feedback on our display ads. There’s barely a tweet questioning the Vodafone skyscraper or the Ford leaderboard. Generally it’s the audio ads that get all the attention… Continue reading Big Audio Dynamite – The case for audio advertising online
Our weekly columnist Raymond Snoddy praises an ethnographic study into what people actually do with PVRs. There are caveats, but he believes this “has punctured futuristic nonsense with observation, facts and sound judgement”… There are few greater pleasures than coming across a piece of research that confirms all your own instincts and at the same time… Continue reading PVRs will NOT spell the death of advertising funded television?
The Digital Britain Report has only widened the gap between the BBC and commercial operators, says Jim Marshall, Starcom Mediavest’s executive director and chairman of the IPA Media Futures Group.“As interesting is the rumour that the original Digital Britain Report was originally much tougher on the BBC, but was ‘watered down’ by nervous politicians, at… Continue reading Jim Marshall: Digital Britain…Did the BBC get off lightly?
Gary Roddy, research director, GfK NOP Media, on how the effective measurement of cross-media advertising can provide new opportunities for managing and planning campaigns…Marketing is becoming more complex everyday. Brand marketers are seeking to develop new and innovative ways to advertise and sell products. Simple you say? – Not really. All these new marketing ideas… Continue reading GfK: How to understand the Holy Grail…
Stacey Knight, group head of sales at IGN Entertainment, comments on Claire Myerscough’s Claire Myerscough – The value of insight article, which was published last week… “As Claire Myerscough states “The importance of insight and the role it plays in the advertising process can never be underestimated” and arguably neither has it really ever been.Indeed as… Continue reading Point of View – ‘The Value of Insight’
Our weekly columnist Raymond Snoddy witnessed the UK TV industry getting together yesterday… but only in the sense of being in the same room. “It was just like the good old days with terrestrial broadcasters attacking each other and Sky attacking everyone in sight. There was not a partnership to be seen.” It was once said… Continue reading Broadcasting partnerships… a new dawn?
Tim Hipperson, CEO, RMG Connect, examines digital training and the client/agency relationship…As the capability and reach of digital marketing continues to both grow and attract attention at a rate of knots, there has been increasing debate about training. Talk across the industry revolves around the ‘skills gap’, and how so many marketers are utilising digital… Continue reading Digital knowledge is all about playing to your strengths
In the latest of our Research Focus reports, Whitevector looks at the importance of online audience reach in web analytics…While analysing online discussions, it is relevant to estimate the net audience engaged in discussions regarding one’s own brand. When a marketer is familiar with the size and characteristics of the online audience to the brand,… Continue reading Whitevector: Audience Reach – A missing piece in web analytics
The challenges of launching a new online service are examined by Alison Roberts, director of marketing at….Getting the marketing mix right is always a tricky business, even more so with a totally new and exclusively online service. Forget the well trodden path; in such circumstances a marketer has to find their own, which… Continue reading Launching a new online service