Certain groups of internet downloaders make a particularly attractive target for advertisers, reveals the latest data from TGI.Latest TGI data show that 77% of British people aged 15+ use the internet, up from 75% last year. The most popular online activities are email, general research, and banking or personal finance. The data also shows that… Continue reading TGI: Online activities (downloading content)
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Simon Mukerjee, managing director at DWA Business, comments on Ray Snoddy’s Will the pay model really work for newspapers online…? article, which was published on Tuesday… “I think it is even more stark than suggested. I simply cannot see anyone paying for anything other than very specialised content. And even then, how much they are prepared… Continue reading Point of View – ‘Will the pay model really work for newspapers online…?’
Alistair Blaxill, executive director, Communisis, looks at how individualisation can give companies stronger brand equity while enhancing the customer experience…Marketers have understood for some time the role that personalisation plays in increasing ROI. However, despite an increasing consumer demand for better targeting and an individual approach from brands, many marketers have failed to take it… Continue reading The power of individualisation
Comment and analysis from MediaTel Group’s ‘Future of National Newspapers’ seminar re-enforces the scale of the task ahead for the newspaper business model, says our weekly columnist Raymond Snoddy… Careless users of PowerPoint presentations are far more effective in curing insomnia than endless numbers of sheep. But just occasionally a well targeted chart or table can… Continue reading Will the pay model really work for newspapers online…?
In our latest Research Focus report, Ipsos MediaCT looks at the increasing popularity of downloadable games among next generation console owners.2008 was a record year for the UK videogames industry. Despite the economic downturn, the software market grew by over 20% year-on-year to £1.905bn (ELSPA/GfK Chart-Track figures). The vast majority of this spend was on… Continue reading Ipsos MediaCT: Is the future of gaming downloadable?
Fresh from 2009’s E3 Gaming Expo, Louise Gaynor, board director, Target Media, predicts this year’s big launches and market trends for the gaming industry…This year’s E3 Expo saw a return to form for the most illustrious gaming industry event. Huge announcements from industry giants including Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo and Activision had everybody talking. The sheer… Continue reading What to look out for in gaming in 2009
Tim Forrest, head of communications planning at OMD UK, comments on Greg Grimmer’s Greg Grimmer – Magazines in the departure lounge? article, which was published yesterday… “I agree wholeheartedly with Greg’s holiday sentiment. More so, as top of the request list when visiting my family in France is for as many issues of weekend Qualities as… Continue reading Point of View – ‘Magazines in the departure lounge?’
Our weekly columnist Raymond Snoddy wonders why Phorm, the “marketing Holy Grail”, is being drummed out of town on privacy issues, when “half the population is voluntarily surrendering any conventional idea of privacy on a succession of social networking sites”… A first acquaintance with Phorm, the online advertising group, would leave most people very impressed indeed.… Continue reading Phorm … what’s the issue?
In his second monthly column for Newsline Greg Grimmer, partner, Hurrell Moseley Dawson & Grimmer, starts his family holiday considering his excess baggage… and the future of magazines.Sat on my sun lounger on the Grimmer family holiday, I am turning my mind and indeed iPhone thumbs to the thought of the death of magazines. Are… Continue reading Greg Grimmer – Magazines in the departure lounge?
Our weekly columnist Raymond Snoddy attends a London Business School conference on the future of on-demand television, where “the evidence is starting to pile up in support of evolutionary, rather than revolutionary changes to viewing behaviour”… Paddy Barwise takes no prisoners when denouncing “the digerati” – those who insist on predicting the death of conventional, or… Continue reading Linear TV still going strong