Nick Mawditt, global director of insight and marketing at Kinetic, takes a look at some new research carried out by the outdoor specialist…Despite our ageing population and increasing economic uncertainty, people in the UK are spending more of their time Out of Home and engaging in the activities and lifestyle of the Moving World. As… Continue reading Moving World
More Opinion articles
The first edition of “The Inside Line” focuses on the practice of using search metrics to measure display advertising. Each week we will take a key media topic and ask the industry for their opinion.This week’s question:Is it an unfair comparison to use the same metrics for measuring online display advertising and search?Dave Schruers –… Continue reading The Inside Line: Display & search, can you compare?
Ben Mein, director of web analytics at Nielsen Online, looks at how a solid understanding of web analytics and its metrics can be the key link to understanding how a business can maximise return on investment…If the current financial squeeze gets even tighter senior digital managers are likely to place a greater focus on return… Continue reading Web analytics
Sue Randall, business development manager, Orbital Response and Fulfilment, examines consumers’ online shopping habits in the run up to Christmas…If you listen to digital media analysts, every year promises the ‘biggest e-commerce Christmas’ since online retail began in earnest. The 2008 festive season is likely to prove no exception, with consumers predicted to save time… Continue reading Fulfilling the Christmas rush
Murly Tiwari, MD of specialist online ad-network Indoor Media, looks at how advertisers can target the UK’s population of South Asians…Leading blue chip advertisers are realizing the value of the UK’s three million South Asians and are using Indoor Media to target them. The audience is affluent, aspirational, highly educated and early adopters; they are… Continue reading How to target Asians online
In an increasingly crowded TV marketplace it is vital that broadcasters make the most of multi-platform strategies to engage with their audiences. Johnny Webb, managing director of Virgin Media TV, looks at how this can be done…The UK has one of the most crowded and advanced TV markets in the world, sitting inside a bewilderingly… Continue reading Time to get creative – TV brands, content and marketing in a multi-platform world
Peter Seabrook-Harris, regional sales director, Pearl & Dean UK, looks at what obstacles lie ahead for digital cinema and how these can be overcome…Background to Digital & CinemaDigital has of course totally engulfed the world of music, photography and video (few, if any, retailers now offer analogue/video products) with cinema the very last bastion of… Continue reading Digital Dreams – Is The Picture Still Blurred?
Kiss 100’s Joanna Knights investigates why younger audiences are listening to the radio more…Radio has progressively improved over the years through many phases of development. With the digital age in full throttle, radio is a multitude of ever expanding brands, pioneering DJs and musical ideals. These factors combine to etch a distinct image of each… Continue reading Young People And The Radio
Kevin Murphy, joint managing director, Zed Media, discusses how the deepening financial crisis could affect both businesses and individuals in the media industry…I was recently at a networking event, which as always provided fascinating insights as to the state of the wider media industry. Usually people begin conversations in a more guarded and PR friendly… Continue reading A Time For Confidence And Consideration
Claire Higgins, head of marketing, Hearst Digital, looks at new research examining how women use the internet…Although vast amounts of studies have been undertaken on general online usage patterns there has been a distinct lack of purely female centric research. With an estimated 48% of internet users in the UK being female this seems an… Continue reading Trends Insight – Women Online