After ESPN won the rights to show live Premier League football next season, our weekly columnist Raymond Snoddy says “Post 2013 Murdoch should watch his back. ESPN is no Mickey Mouse company”. Lynne Franks, ESPN’s managing director for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, has finally done it. The charming American with an uncertain grasp, at… Continue reading Raymond Snoddy greets ESPN’s entry into the pay-TV football market
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Claire Myerscough, commercial business intelligence director at News International, explains how two significant events have increased the value of insight…“With broader and deeper consumer understanding, we can (change human behaviour) more effectively, more reliably, more frequently and in more ways.” Rory Sutherland IPA president, vice chairman, Ogilvy Group UKThe importance of insight and the role… Continue reading Claire Myerscough – The value of insight
In the latest of our Research Focus reports, Ipsos MediaCT examines the challenges around advertising on social media…Consumers like to think that they hate advertising. Over the last 50 years they have witnessed one social pleasure after another selling itself out to the lure of the advertising buck. Their television, their radio, their cinema, their… Continue reading Ipsos MediaCT: The social media advertising conundrum
Caroline Worboys, managing director, Callcredit Marketing Solutions, looks at how marketers can use online techniques to engage with consumers in real-time…After months and years of skirting around the subject, it seems that the marketing industry is finally waking up to the benefits of real-time interaction with consumers, with many brands choosing to conduct online research… Continue reading Real-time techniques – how to converse with your consumers
Raymond Snoddy sees Channel 4 as the big loser from yesterday’s Digital Britain report with “hard choices largely ducked”.“Helpfully the Government added in a very odd phrase indeed that perhaps Channel 4 was ‘too-television centric’. Many people will think that is because it is a television company…”Thank God for the 50p broadband tax on telephone… Continue reading Raymond Snoddy is disappointed with the Digital Britain report
In his first monthly column for Newsline Greg Grimmer, partner, Hurrell Moseley Dawson & Grimmer, looks at the beneficial effect of high production values and bespoke content on the web…For those readers unlucky enough to see me speak at Media 360 this year you will probably remember one thing from my speech on why television… Continue reading Greg Grimmer – Become friends with the Prince and the Frog
In his latest report for MediaTel NewsLine, TGI media analyst James McCombe reveals that digital radio continues to grow and deliver an attractive audience…The proportion of British adults who listen to digital radio has reached 19.4 million – equivalent to 39% of the population – according to the latest data from TGI. This represents an… Continue reading TGI: Digital radio listeners
Michelle Pamment, editor-in-chief, Your M&S magazine, suggests why it is more important than ever for retail brands to engage with their customers during a recession…Every recession is different. Each time, depending upon the cause of the downturn, its duration and which industry sectors and consumer demographics are worst affected, consumer behaviour, spending habits and attitudes… Continue reading How customer magazines can engage with consumers during tough retail conditions
Raymond Snoddy discusses Digital Britain over coffee with Andy Burnham … and then he’s gone to tackle the NHS, leaving our new weekly commentator with the view that Digital Britain is unlikely to have much immediate effect on the marketing community, if anything happens at all …“We all know that Gordon Brown has a lot… Continue reading Raymond Snoddy on Digital Britain
In his first monthly column for Newsline Jim Marshall, Starcom Mediavest’s executive director and chairman of the IPA Media Futures Group, sees a very different media world on the close horizon for buyers and sellers…“The Times They Are A-Changin’ “Television prices are currently at early 1980’s levels, press prices are significantly down versus last year,… Continue reading Jim Marshall on Value and Accountability