The Times saw its circulation rise during November, adding 3.2% on the previous month to give a total of just over 682,000 in its first full month as a tabloid-only newspaper, according to the latest figures from the Audit Bureau of Circulations.The newspaper ditched its broadsheet edition at the end of October, and while several… Continue reading ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – November 2004
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Daily Mail & General Trust (DMGT) has warned of an impending downturn in the regional advertising market, reflecting weakness in the housing and recruitment markets. The publisher made its claim as it delivered full year results, with finance director Peter Williams claiming that, while national advertising appears to be “holding up” its regional equivalent has… Continue reading DMGT Issues Warning On Regional Newspaper Advertising
New research from mediaedge:cia indicates that the traditional power of television advertising is being eroded by the increased use of the internet by consumers, with a direct transfer in consumption evident from television to the internet. Mediaedge:cia’s research also found that TV campaigns deliver 14% less pressure amongst internet users when compared with their non-surfing… Continue reading Internet Usage Eroding TV Ad Effectiveness
The Times saw its circulation dip by 0.7% during October to a total of just over 650,000 ahead of the paper’s switch to tabloid-only publication, according to the latest figures from the Audit Bureau of Circulations.The newspaper claims that its compact edition has brought an increased audience of young readers to the traditionally older-focussed newspaper,… Continue reading ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – October 2004
Richard Desmond’s Daily Star was one of the brightest lights in the tabloid sky in the six months to August with readership rising by more than 14% year on year to just over the 2 million mark, according to the latest NRS figures.The Star‘s two-year-old Sunday spin-off also performed well during same period with readership… Continue reading NRS National Newspaper Round-Up
Trinity Mirror has announced the appointment of Georgina Crace as managing director of its regional newspaper business, following the departure of Stephen Parker earlier this year.Crace is currently managing director of IPC Advertising and managing director of the Wallpaper* Group and will take up her appointment with Trinity on 2 February 2005.The new role will… Continue reading Trinity Mirror Appoints New MD For Regional Newspapers
Advertising on the internet is seeing significant growth but it is set to remain a modest part of newspaper revenues for many years to come, says a new report from the World Association of Newspapers. The Profiting from Digital report from the Shaping the Future of Newspaper (SFN) project says, publishers need to look for… Continue reading Newspapers Need To Be ‘Cleverer’ To Profit From Digital Content
Jack Myers, has revised upwards its 2004 and 2005 advertising spending growth forecast to 6.8% and 2.2% respectively, however the media commentary group has warned, ‘although most forecasters are reasonably bullish, there are early warning signs on the horizon to suggest that the 2.2% growth forecast may prove to be overly optimistic’. Although every indication… Continue reading Jack Myers Cautious Over 2005 Ad Spending
The Guardian finally appears to have put an end to its recent sales slump with a healthy 3.2% increase in circulation during September to just under the 380,000 mark, according to the latest monthly ABC results.The newspaper has yet to launch its reduced size offering, believed to be in the Berliner format following a £50… Continue reading ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – September 2004
For 16-24s, reading a national newspaper during the average week is more likely than visiting the pub, according to the latest research from the Newspaper Marketing Agency. The first detailed study of youth newspaper reading habits shows that 77% (5.6 million) of 16 to 24 year-olds read a national newspaper every week, compared with just… Continue reading 16-24s Prefer Newspapers To Pubs