Newspaper advertising can attract up to seven times more attention than television commercials, according to new research undertaken for News International by Robert Heath, visiting professor at Copenhagen Business School and research associate at University of Bath School for Management. Heath’s research analysed movement of the eye in natural viewing and reading situations, with faster… Continue reading Newspaper Adverts Attract Seven Times More Attention Than TV Commercials
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The daily national newspaper market as a whole saw a dip in readership in the six months to December 2004, according to the latest data from the National Readership Survey.However, despite a number of dips in circulation, several titles managed to avoid decline and, in some cases, add substantially to their readership towards the end… Continue reading NRS National Newspaper Round-Up: December 2004
Customer magazines can stimulate a substantial 8% increase in average sales uplift due to the strong connection with brand loyalty experienced by readers, according to new research from the Association of Publishing Agencies (APA). The APA Advantage Study, conducted by Millward Brown, found that customer titles engage readers which leads to stronger brand relationships, resulting… Continue reading Customer Magazines Create Strong Brand Loyalty
US adults who go online most frequently watch more television and read more newspapers, compared to their non-internet-using counterparts, disproving traditional industry opinion that the internet would cut into the time consumers spend with television and print media. According to a recent Carat Insight analysis of data from Mediamark Research Inc and Multimedia Scan, adults… Continue reading Frequent Internet Users Consume More Multi-Media
The UK’s national newspaper market continued to look bleak in February, with only a handful of titles increasing their circulations year on year, according to the latest figures from the Audit Bureau of Circulations.The majority of those titles seeing downward growth were Popular titles, although The Business also shed a significant 18.2% of its circulation… Continue reading ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – February 2005
Strategic information provider, TNS Media Intelligence (TNSMI), has revealed US total advertising expenditure for 2004 was up by 9.8% at £141.1 billion compared to 2003, revising previous estimates of 10.6% growth for the year. Almost all media measured by TNSMI experienced growth throughout 2004, with the internet, outdoor, cable TV and national syndication showing the… Continue reading US Aspend Rose 9.8% In 2004
US consumers with broadband used the internet over newspapers as their primary source of information during the presidential elections, according to a new survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project. The survey reveals that 52% of internet users, about 63 million people, claimed they went online to get information about the 2004 elections.… Continue reading Broadband Preferred Over Newspapers During US Presidential Elections
The ABC regional newspaper figures for the six months to December 2004 reveal a large number of declines amongst the top ten paid regional newspaper groups, with just two companies showing year on year growth.Within the top ten, Celtic Newspapers Group managed to stave off negative growth towards the end of the year with an… Continue reading ABC Regional Newspapers: Jul-Dec 2004
US newspaper advertising revenue rose by an estimated 4% in January, representing no real change in momentum from the fourth quarter of 2004, according to analysts Merrill Lynch. Newspaper industry advertising growth is also predicted to be around 4% for 2005, despite retailer and telecom mergers that could affect spending plans later in the year.… Continue reading Merrill Predicts Rise In Newspaper Advertising
The figures listed in NewsLine’s ABC reports are those reported by the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) as at Thursday 17 February 2005. Late submissions and changes may be made after this date, and will thereafter be amended in MediaTel’s Press database. For full notes on how NewsLine’s reports are compiled please see NewsLine.The computing… Continue reading ABC Results Jul-Dec 2004: Computer Shopper Takes The Lead As Rivals Falter