More than 40% of ad buyers found alternative currencies to be just as effective as traditional currencies, suggesting that more needs to be done in order to get advertisers to switch over.
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In a recent episode of The Media Leader Podcast, Ozone CEO Damon Reeve spoke to host and reporter Jack Benjamin about how moving adspend from MFA sites toward premium publishing environments would be a win for advertisers and publishers alike.
Scope3’s Anne Coghlan and The Responsible Marketing Agency’s Hannah Mirza join Ella Sagar to unpack the state of the media industry’s sustainability efforts, and the ethics of advertising for fossil fuel companies.
A number of sports team owners have invested in or partnered with gaming adtech companies this summer as they see synergies between their existing brand partners and the burgeoning gaming market.
Bauer Media’s finance chief Vivian Mohr has been appointed as Richard Dawkins’s replacement at Bauer Media Audio.
Smart speaker listening and commercial radio’s record revenues, share and audiences were all topics of the Radiocentre Tuning In conference.
Radiocentre, the industry body for commercial radio, has released new research with System1 on the emotional impact and effectiveness of audio advertising.
We are entering the age of “reaggregation” of media data in the coming years, a Sky Media event has heard, with online media companies able to “mark their own homework without validating at all”.
The new Taskforce will meet quarterly and is co-chaired by representatives from Google and VCCP.
Eight media and advertising professionals have launched a collective, Join Our Table, to improve the equity and visibility of Black women in advertising and media.