Jon Steinberg joins Omar Oakes to discuss changes he is bringing to Future, the value of attending Cannes Lions, and the state of the digital publishing industry.
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O’Brien told The Media Leader that she is working towards a ‘semi-retirement’ and will be vacating the position of head of media, effectiveness and performance near the end of the year.
A two-year study by Lumen Research and Anzu found that in-game ads drive 98% viewability; a significantly higher figure than other digital ads.
Interview: The World Media Group CEO admits she doesn’t ‘need’ to network but admits Cannes Lions’ biggest draw is the chance to network. So why’s she making a rare appearance this year?
News UK’s commercial director for broadcasting shares advice for younger people in the industry and what he would do if he won the lottery.
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the launch of commercial radio in the UK, commercial radio industry body Radiocentre has rebranded and formally expanded its remit to include a digital focus.
The cost-of-living crisis has affected people’s time at home, shopping habits, and long and short-term planning, new data shows.
Cannes Lions interview: Future’s new CEO is keen to build things, having built two ‘new media’ start-ups and inherited a business known for a flurry of acquisitions. But Cannes Lions, for this media owner boss, is seen as more of a chance to sell than be inspired.
The average open programmatic campaign runs on a “deeply concerning” 44,000 websites, with Made for Advertising sites comprising 15% of adspend.
Interview: Sir Martin Sorrell is certain Cannes Lions still matters, but will be attended by fewer clients and even more tech companies during this challenging year for advertising.