We need to think less about what’s relevant to our industry and more about what’s relevant to the people we’re trying to reach, writes Trinity Mirror’s Andrew Tenzer.
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We must reframe the working mum experience, writes Helen Rose.
As it succumbs to the pressure of a digital-first world, Dominic Mills looks back at the Yellow Pages’ iconic ads – and wonders if their style could still work today. Plus: No soggy bottom for Dr Oetker.
As Rupert Murdoch takes right-wing US channel Fox News off the air in the UK after 15 years, Raymond Snoddy asks: why now?
Neuroscience proves the effectiveness of using humour in advertising, writes Heather Andrew.
Following a downgraded growth forecast, Dominic Mills wonders whether WPP is undergoing a temporary shift, or a more profound structural change that threatens the ad industry as we know it.
The casual lies people tell in everyday life are amplified on social media. To get real data about consumers, you need to remove self-awareness from the equation, writes Thomas Laranjo.
Newsline columnist Bob Wootton, alongside other commentators, has lately been highly critical of online advertising. Here, the IAB’s James Chandler confronts the barrage of digital criticism.
Infectious Media’s Attila Jakab looks at how brands can maintain their audiences while tackling the threats they face online.
Will Channel 4’s Great British Bake Off – with advertising revenue boosted by sponsorship – become a commercial and ratings success? Raymond Snoddy rates its chances.