The headlines currently being grabbed are the tip of an iceberg that has been looming on the horizon of the online ad ecosystem for some time, writes Steve Doyle.
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Just as the original Naked Communications model helped change the ad industry, we need something just as radical to rewrite the rules for today, writes Dominic Mills.
Broadcasters should have the guts to go ahead with leaders’ debates and place an empty chair for Theresa May, writes Raymond Snoddy as he predicts how the wider media will handle the run-up to the general election.
Experts from Bloomberg, Mindshare UK, Sky Media, Times Newspapers, Impact Radius, MC&C, Jaywing, Total Media and Primesight give their thoughts on what the latest IPA Bellwether results mean for the media industry.
We have failed to fully articulate the dramatic impact that mobile apps should be having on media plans, writes Gavin Stirrat.
Talking AI devices are taking over, and the prize for the brands that know how to exploit them will be huge, writes Dominic Mills.
A citizenry armed with cameras and social media can make life very difficult for those in power, writes Raymond Snoddy.
Only a free, open and honest process can help digital media reach its true potential, writes Duncan Trigg.
Taken captive by its own organisational structure, Pepsi’s in-house agency forgot to ask the questions that ought to be asked, writes Dominic Mills. Plus: Why Sorrell is like a beef chow mein.
The general unaccountability of tech companies to our governments, and ultimately to us as citizens, is the bigger issue, writes Communication Partners UK’s Roy Jeans