In a new series, David Indo examines the value of client and agency relationships. The first of these looks at how advertisers that behave well towards their agencies can reap the rewards – and how good clients can finish first.
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The balance between digital technology and creative is at breaking point, says Ed Owen – and while there’s good creative out there, too much is driven by the next ‘new’, and marketers need to be far more circumspect.
From programmatic marketers to cloud-based, universal cookies, the future is set to turn advertising on its head by 2020 says Chango’s Dax Hamman. So what else can industry expect from the future?
In the face of falling market share, Budweiser employed neuroscientists to help fine-tune its TV advertising to make it more emotionally engaging. The insights it revealed are fascinating – but did it work?
It would be pointless to argue that mobile isn’t mainstream, says Simon Andrews, founder of Addictive! – but for brands, there is still a long way to go…
From holidays to insurance, newsbrands have always sold readers more than just news – but are The Times and The Sunday Times right to offer wealth management – and can they make it work? By Raymond Snoddy.
The emergence of Twitter has not been a nail in the coffin for newsbrands, says David Brennan – in fact, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts and the news eco-system has been greatly enhanced…
It seems everybody is talking about content marketing, and for ISBA’s Bob Wootton, it surfaces two big questions: what is it, and; how should it best be undertaken?
Torin Douglas speaks with Paul Davies, director of marketing at Microsoft, about digital strategies – and teaming up with Edgar Wright, director of Shaun of the Dead, to help brush off the ‘tired uncle’ look of Internet Explorer.
The obsession with quoting numbers with trails of zeroes behind them has long been part of the web’s preoccupation with counting things – but as TV campaigns head down the same path, how do we make sense of the numbers?