Raymond Snoddy says says the really interesting question from Leveson this week is whether Michael Gove was preening himself and making it up as he went along, or whether he was reflecting – in a rather shrill way – the private views of David Cameron and the Coalition Cabinet…
More Opinion articles
Nick Mawditt, global director of marketing and insight at Kinetic Worldwide, says there is a clear willingness among mobile users to interact with brand campaigns (content being main driver of interactivity above brand)…
Alex Hunter, finance director, IPA, asks: how can we convince our clients of the true value of our new type of services?
James Whitmore on the Olympic flame’s journey through Devon, a lack of bespoke marketing and David Beckham (the well known Cornish Olympian)…
Simon Andrews, founder of the full service mobile agency addictive!, on Facebook post-IPO, Facebook advertising, and Google….
Steve Smith, head of thought leadership at Starcom MediaVest London, looks at the success of different brands at driving emotional engagement through Facebook content…
Freddie Ossberg, founder and managing director of Raconteur Media, provides his analysis and suggestions for the newspaper industry following MediaTel Group’s Future of National Newspaper event this month…
Raymond Snoddy says it would be good to see competition regulators in the UK concentrate on real abuses of market dominance that actually harm consumers’ interests rather than disadvantaging consumers in pursuit of theoretical models of competition….
James Grant, UK country manager, Vindico, says “instead of looking at TV to defend itself, I think the advertising industry should be pushing the digital VoD market to step up and improve”…
Michael Bayler, strategist and author, Bayler & Associates, slices through the confusion around the nature of engagement to reveal a new model for brand building in the post-Facebook era…