Zoe Winterson, associate director at Pearl & Dean, looks at the 3D revolution as it continues to gain speed …
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Raymond Snoddy’s conference highlights: The Lord Chief Justice’s undying commitment to openness in Government freedom of information, newspaper-owned PR agencies, the thorny issue of charging for online content and thinking “out of the box” …
Mark Cranmer, chief executive of Isobar, uses lyrics from Oasis’ classic (What’s The Story) Morning Glory? to analyse and solve the issues facing the media industry…
Murdoch needs to think long and hard about how serious his attack on Google is… because at the moment he is, in effect, acquiescing in the “kleptomania and parasitism”, says Raymond Snoddy.
Julia Hutchison, COO of the Association of Publishing Agencies, highlights the best ways for brands to engage consumers online.
In his latest monthly column Greg Grimmer, partner, Hurrell Moseley Dawson & Grimmer, argues why in a year full of redundancies, unemployment, missed bonuses, and tightened corporate belts – the awards season isn’t an anachronism that should be quietly and quickly put out to grass …
Jim Marshall’s latest comment piece ponders a season of pitches and asks if we’ve created a monster…
Sometime very soon, and probably later today, Lord Burns is expected to be appointed chairman of Channel 4.
If the London Evening Standard becomes just another free paper following the demise of the London Lite, Alexander Lebedev will have lost a large sum of money for nothing, says Raymond Snoddy.
Our latest GfK research report, written by Susannah Palmer, looks at the firm’s new 1,500 strong children’s panel “rate it!”