Social networkers represent a valuable target for advertisers, according to latest data from TGI.
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In our latest weekly column, Stuart Hodgkinson, client services director, RMG Connect, looks at how new ways of working can help a business grow and succeed.
Our columnist Raymond Snoddy wonders what’s next for the London Lite after the closure of rival freesheet thelondonpaper.
When a major world airline loses more than £100 million in a quarter, naturally it starts to think of new ways to raise money – such as moving into the advertising business.
Marius Cloete, Evening Standard insight manager, explains how Londoners could be leading the way out of the recession.
Emma Thwaites, client services director, Alchemetrics, on how the growth of digital channels can help publishers monetise reader data.
In our latest Research Focus report, Ipsos MediaCT looks at the effectiveness of social grade in market research.
A MediaTel Newsline reader – name and company withheld – comments on Greg Grimmer’s ‘The editor’s decision is final’ article, which was published on Tuesday.
Our columnist Raymond Snoddy discusses the pitfalls Project Canvas must traverse before hitting the UK market.
Anna Cremin, head of research and consumer insight, Pearl & Dean, on how independent cinemas can offer advertisers reach to more engaged audiences.