This highly technical and advanced method of measurement may be perceived as a black box, but it delivers a higher magnitude of benefits than the cost of doing the analysis, writes Wavemaker’s modelling solutions partner.
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A thorough review of the BBC’s licence fee is necessary, but it must consider that such a fee, perhaps turned into a household charge, may be the least-bad option.
Ethical practice and profitability are not mutually exclusive, but do advertisers and media owners have enough bandwith to achieve both well, asks the editor.
Barb’s ‘fit for TV’ definition should be supported because it lets media owners widen their distribution while ensuring high standards, writes Vevo’s senior director for Advanced TV.
In a post-GDPR world, a balance between personalisation and intrusion is not only desirable but essential, writes Ozone’s chief technology officer. (Partner content)
Both the 60/40 and 95/5 rules appear to share a family resemblance, but they couldn’t be more different. Marketers and media planners should engage with both rather than choose either one as ‘better’.
Instead of always searching for “the new”, Kite Factory strategist Rik Moore makes the case for returning and adding to the foundations of Craft Planning.
We need a collective effort to reduce advertising’s contribution to the climate crisis, writes Ozone’s chief strategy officer. (Partner content)
Our industry has been distracted by measuring things in media that don’t actually matter, writes VCCP Media’s head of digital.
The commercial departments of Brexit-supporting newspapers know the damage being caused to the UK economy, and newspaper advertising revenues, by Brexit. Their editorial colleagues continue to support it anyway.