Another acronym heralding a new age? Or does Fast TV hark back to simpler time in advertising?
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Businesses do not need to ‘reinvent the wheel’ to measure sustainability and inspire sustainable behaviour changes.
Being in the most-trusted channels seems to have little impact on where advertisers spend their money.
When agencies negotiate a ‘cost-per-thousand’ with publishers, we should ask ‘cost per thousand what?’
With the targeting capabilities available now, a less blunt media strategy can be more effective.
There is an intention-action gap when it comes to sustainability, but what can media and brands do to make it easier for consumers to go green?
Media owners have every right to impose limitations on journalists working elsewhere, but more flexibility will only benefit their brand in the long run.
As Channel 4 and Sky announce their new slates, will familiarity breed contempt?
An important consultation about the future of online advertising regulation threatens to disappoint.
Even if Boris Johnson survives a damning report by Sue Gray, robust journalism is the reason we know about Partygate at all.