For marketers clinging to the idea that cookies deliver the all-important missing piece of their data jigsaw, perhaps it’s time to think about letting go, writes Carl Erik Kjærsgaard.
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High share prices at P&G and Unilever show their classic branding and marketing skills are still enormously effective, writes Dominic Mills.
It’s not easy saying sorry and explaining what led you to make a poor decision, writes Jan Gooding – but doing so is an act of strength rather than weakness.
The fate of programmes like Something Understood and iPM reveal much about the BBC’s direction of travel, writes Raymond Snoddy.
Advertisers hold the cards when it comes to reporting success – so how will we know if the great in-housing experiment has worked? Plus: ISBA’s Dorchester headache and why Advertising Week Europe mystifies.
The largest ever consumer survey to take place in UK airports reveals some fascinating insights, writes Primesight’s Steve Bernard.
Adtech doesn’t have an image problem so much as it has a behaviour one, writes Dominic Mills. Plus: Cannes’ infuriating new guidelines.
Led By Donkeys’ outdoor campaign has shown the professionals a thing or two about reach and effectiveness, writes Raymond Snoddy.
If half the world hates your brand, the other half will buy your product, writes Sophie Russell.
Our behaviour is largely driven by imperatives that we have developed through evolution – so trend-spotting marketers take note.