Dan Hanson and Alexander Wisch of Bloomberg Intelligence explain how economic challenges will impact agencies and the wider media and advertising sectors in 2017.
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Algorithmic filtering is now orchestrating our entire lives. Helen Rose asks what impact this will have on brands.
Solid Christmas retail figures will help hard-pressed CMOs make the case to their boards for maintaining spend, writes Dominic Mills – but watch out for the caveats
There are plenty of press scandals in need of urgent attention – but none of them involve increased regulation backed by the sort of legislation that would please dictators everywhere.
BARB’s Justin Sampson explains what the TV audience measurement body is doing – and the problems it faces – tracking viewing across subscription VOD services.
As Mediatel prepares to host The Year Ahead 2017 this week, the IPA’s Belinda Beeftink looks at how media consumption has changed over the last decade – and predicts what the next year will have in store
Curiously, Sir Martin Sorrell’s predictions for 2017 make no mention of something that must be giving him sleepless nights, writes Dominic Mills. Plus: A secret message, and a new phrase for adland to hump to death.
Globally-leading media companies could provide the best minds to form a core Brexit negotiation team, writes Roy Jeans – with a brief to think the unthinkable, and by doing so frame a fundamentally different strategy
A new journalistic (and psychiatric) specialism is being created before our eyes: analysing the tweets of Donald Trump.
In the second report from the frontlines of the ad-blocking war, ISBA’s Mark Finney examines how the publishers are fighting back.