Bob Wootton, director of media & advertising at ISBA, says advertisers need real-time trading to be accompanied by an effective code of conduct, underpinned by an independent stamp of trust, to unlock the full potential that the technology offers…
More Opinion articles
Ever since the emergence of Web 2.0 there has been a tendency to confuse social media and word of mouth. In reality, as we have discovered through valuable tools such as Keller Fay’s TalkTrack research, one (social media) is very much a sub-set of the other (word of mouth).
Greg Grimmer: In a bid to make advertising fashionable (again) today’s column will be optimism peppered with ads for advertising – instead of my normal service of cynicism peppered with attempts at humour…
David McEvoy, marketing director of JCDecaux UK, explains why advertising will be very much in the fabric of the building at new train stations in the UK…
Simon Andrews, founder of the full service mobile agency addictive!, says the danger of talking about the future is that people decide to wait. Mobile is the biggest opportunity for marketing since the launch of commercial TV and we don’t need to wait to make it work for brands…
Simon Andrews, founder of the full service mobile agency addictive!, on the things they missed at the Mobile World Congress…
Raymond Snoddy says despite the relentless rise of social media what comes through loud and clear is the importance, and at least for now, the continuing dominance, of print at the heart of the brand…
VCCP’s head of planning Tracey Follows says the future isn’t mobile, mobile is happening now and is already all around us. The future of mobile in the hands of those that adopt, learn and truly use it to its fullest potential…
Dr Steve Smith, head of thought leadership at Starcom MediaVest Group, shows how supermarkets can use social media to connect with friends of fans…
NEW: In his first blog for Newsline, David Hellier, deputy editor at City AM, surveys the current financial backdrop and how it is affecting the media landscape from a city perspective…