City AM editor Allister Heath says there was one over-riding failure in the Budget: a refusal to accelerate spending cuts…
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Alex Kozloff, senior mobile manager, IAB, says as barriers continue to come down for m-commerce in the UK, this ‘new kid on the block’ will evolve into a medium that retailers, brands and consumers can no longer afford to ignore…
Raymond Snoddy says if ever there is a time for the first female Director General to emerge it is now. No single male figure has emerged as champion and there is now a plethora of strong, experienced women broadcasters both inside and outside the BBC…
Forget the never-ending ‘year of mobile’ – it is all about the week of mobile. IAB and PwC released the findings from their annual mobile advertising spend study yesterday, showing that advertising on mobile devices increased by 157% in 2011 to a new high of £203.2 million.
Alistair Hill, CEO of On Device Research, says it’s the brands who seek to interact with customers through targeted rich media mobile advertising who are the ones most likely to achieve maximum cut through…
Bruno Pereira, co-founder and director, TV App Agency, asks: does your brand belong in the living room?
Gary Cole, commercial director at O2 Media, on new models, agency structures & other ninja tricks driving the mobile sector…
Simon Andrews, founder of the full service mobile agency addictive!, on SXSW: This year all the buzz was on location apps that tell you who is around and EverythingMe…
The Leveson inquiry, Hackgate and/or Horsegate are becoming more and more humorous by the day. Just when you thought it was quietening down along comes another “moment” that makes those of us who are not involved titter… Are the Met Police just getting nasty or do they have a real dark sense of humour?
Steve Smith PhD, head of thought leadership at Starcom MediaVest Group, discusses supermarket media spend and how Waitrose needs to invest more carefully to create loyalty among its customers…