New research from mediaedge:cia indicates that the traditional power of television advertising is being eroded by the increased use of the internet by consumers, with a direct transfer in consumption evident from television to the internet. Mediaedge:cia’s research also found that TV campaigns deliver 14% less pressure amongst internet users when compared with their non-surfing… Continue reading Internet Usage Eroding TV Ad Effectiveness
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David Chance, chairman of Top Up TV and former BSkyB executive has claimed that Freeview homes will outnumber their Sky Digital counterparts by December 2005, stating that increased interest in pay-TV from terrestrial viewers was fuelling growth in his company’s low-cost premium channel offering. Speaking at a Broadcasting Press Guild lunch, Chance stated: “Freeview box… Continue reading Freeview Penetration Set To Equal Sky Next Year
The market for cable set-top boxes is bouncing back in 2004, according to market research firm In-Stat/MDR, as worldwide shipments for this year are expected to grow by 11% to reach 10.87 million. The latest report from In-Stat shows that North American cable television operators are fuelling growth with orders for personal video recorder and… Continue reading HD and PVRs Boost The Cable Set Top Box Market
More than three-quarters of advertising leaders now believe that digital video recorders (DVRs) will have a significant effect on the rise of alternative television advertisement methods, says a new report from the American Advertising Federation (AAF). The AAF study asked 121 advertising executives what effect they thought DVRs would play on the 30-second commercial spot.… Continue reading Advertising Execs Say DVRs To Have An Effect On TV Ads
Although many countries have experienced impressive growth in the popularity of digital television, no country is expected to have 100% digital penetration until 2014, says a new report from Informa Media Group. The Global Digital TV Forecasts report shows, by the next ten years, Canada, Finland, Ireland, Norway and the US will have full digital… Continue reading Full Digital TV Penetration Expected To Begin In 2014
Digital video recorders (DVR) are set to enjoy massive growth over the next five years, says a new report from Informa Media, with penetration expected to reach 11% of television households worldwide. By the end of this year, just over 9 million homes are predicted to own a DVR, however this figure is expected to… Continue reading DVRs Set To Become Essential Household Items
Telecoms giant, British Telecom (BT), is in advanced talks with a number of broadcasters, including BSkyB, ITV and the BBC to discuss the possibility of delivering popular television programmes over high-speed internet connections. According to a report from Ovum analyst, John Delaney, BT has plans to break in to the pay-per-view television market with the… Continue reading BT In Talks To Offer Advanced Freeview
US based group Akimbo, has launched the first ever internet-to-television video-on-demand service and has struck a lucrative deal with Amazon, who will sell the Akimbo Player. The new set-top box allows access to thousands of programmes via broadband internet, which consumers can download to their Akimbo player and view on-demand on their television set. The… Continue reading Akimbo Launches Broadband VoD Service
ITV put in an impressive performance last month with revenues soaring by 9.2% year on year to just under £159 million following the launch of its high-profile autumn schedule.The latest agency estimates compiled by MediaTel Group highlight public acceptance of ITV’s revamped programme line-up, a success that will serve to repair the damage done to… Continue reading TV Market Round-Up – September 2004
The European Union has unveiled plans of its new â‚Ź7.5 million project that will allow TV-buffs to manipulate films to make a more personalised version. The New Media For A New Millennium (NM2) project, aims to allow viewers to participate in story lines that they create, as well as being able to have an input… Continue reading Personalised TV Backed By EU Project