As Goodstuff turns 20, co-founders Andrew Stephen and Ben Hayes share key lessons from running one of the UK’s best-known media agencies.
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Ahead of World Environment Day, we must focus on finding more ways to reduce emissions in the advertising ecosystem to support the wider cause.
In response to Omar Oakes’ recent piece, an agency chief argues that tech can actually help creatives prove their value.
Our indie film sector risks being muscled out of the limelight — unless we get smart about seeking alternative funding, writes the founder and executive producer of Euras Films.
From ‘wally with the brolly’ to reactions to the national service proposal, newspapers are doing a fine job highlighting the absurdity of the government — whatever their political leaning.
Enhanced measurement beyond attention metrics can better show the long tail of engagement on BVOD, allowing for more long-term brand opportunities for advertisers.
As the industry gears up for Cannes, it’s crucial that we remain vigilant and attuned to the wellbeing of our community.
Challenges that will shape its future include the need to simplify the offering, retailer consolidation and building infrastructure that connects the physical and the virtual.
Video is heading down two paths: a short vertical market, where content is produced at low cost and driving vast engagement, and a premium long-form market that can be effectively monetised.
There is real power in what financial institutions know about their customers and serious potential in how this can be used to benefit shoppers, especially in conjunction with retail media networks.