While the summer of sport may increase the chance of reaching consumers at scale, it also increases the chances of unsuitable placements or wasted spend.
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With a new government on the way, we must show that when the industry is called to act, it can do so successfully — this is where the Online Advertising Taskforce comes in.
As consumers are found to increasingly avoid the news, Snoddy examines what is behind this and what needs to change to reverse the tide.
WPP CEO Mark Read has scored a big interview at Cannes — Elon Musk. Given that Musk ‘hates’ advertising and has been a terrible owner of Twitter, Read owes it to this industry to ask him tough questions.
The UK’s major parties have taken different social media strategies in the lead-up to what some have called the first ‘TikTok election’. Let’s unpack their approaches.
If we want to play our part in not only preserving the planet but our industry too, we have to use our powers to bring about change.
As the Euros kick off, OOH provides a high-reach opportunity for brands. With group-stage matches starting between 5pm and 8pm, this is a crucial time that brands can utilise to target those on their merry way to the pub.
Looking solely at downloads risks allowing shows that have suffered from listener drop-off to report deceptively high numbers. We need more accurate measurement and industry standardisation.
TV can offer attention, trust and emotional clout. Coincidentally, these are also the foundations of a good story — just make sure that story is a short one.
When someone with expert knowledge is given the time and space in the media to communicate that knowledge to society as a whole, we all reap the benefits.