Optimising for attention can create better outcomes for media owners and advertisers. But changing attitudes over audience numbers means challenging the status quo.
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Media talking about ‘creative’ is too narrow in ambition. It’s creativity that will become the most priceless commodity in our industry.
Thinkbox’s Matt Hill questions ViewersLogic’s interpretation of BVOD’s impact – pointing out that basing planning decisions on viewing time alone is a flawed approach. Quality is crucial.
Social platforms are at risk of a failure of their purpose if they neglect the original reason for people to be online, which is to connect.
Most people think there should be an AI Blackout ahead of the UK general election. It is essential that efforts are made to safeguard the quality and accuracy of news reporting.
TikTok is presenting itself not as social media, but as an entertainment company with a focus on community. But is it actually just a form of “soma”?
ITV takes the low road in hiring Nigel Farage for I’m a Celebrity… Get me Out of Here! Giving this political figure that kind of primetime coverage is worrying.
News media was as shocked as the rest of the world to see the return of David Cameron. But who is in the cabinet matters less to readers than the fundamental problems facing the country.
We must all consider how we conduct ourselves around our colleagues; whether or not the Santa hats are on and the mistletoe is out.
100% Media 0% Nonsense: How private equity buys, owns and sells media companies will mean big changes to media and advertising jobs.