This is a daily digest of news stories from around the media world, updated by The Media Leader team, to ensure you’re 100% up-to-date.
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This will be the first time that live coverage of the men’s national team will have featured on Channel 4 in its 40-year history.
Tena, the incontinence liner company, has launched a TV ad destigmatising the menopause using Channel 4’s diversity award funding.
Streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Disney+ are set to come under Ofcom’s regulatory remit for the first time.
With an upcoming Raoul Moat drama and Savile documentary, are broadcasters going too far?
With Piers Morgan pulling in curious viewers to TalkTV on Monday, a battle has been provoked for the “anti-woke” audience.
The Media Leader interview: From Clinton pollster to challenger media group boss, Mark Penn brings ambition and controversy.
Channel 4 is that rarest of things: a textbook example of a brand leading a business rather than a business operating a brand.
Rather than let itself get dragged into the freemium space, Netflix should take a bold and pioneering approach to advertising, writes the editor.
Pura, an eco-friendly baby brand, has released its first TV ad via the Sky Zero Footprint Fund.