This sector has the talent and the tools to succeed. But whether it has the stomach to start challenging bad practice is key to arresting its decline, writes the editor.
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In media, it’s easy to get caught up in metrics. But connection is at the heart of everything — and we would do well to apply this to understanding our bodies.
Some of us may feel like Miles Bennell, screaming at strangers that someone’s after us. But it doesn’t have to be this way. It’s time to redefine what and who the ad industry is.
Nothing says ‘meh’ like a static ad. Video is a clear win and it’s easier than ever to make these ads. We owe it to quality journalism to do more than still banners.
Daivid research found that much of advertising content on TikTok is forgettable or even evokes negative emotions. Here are three reasons why and what to do about it.
US broadcasters and press have been slow to highlight the former president’s failings, from his ramblings to inaccurate statements. It’s not too late to take a radical approach ahead of November’s election.
New analysis has found that paid social spend may be treble the optimal level for growth, while TV could be getting less credit — and cash — than it deserves.
If we want to drive real equality in media, we must call time on lip-service feminism and self-interested silence.
We must work together to build a sustainable future for the industry that nurtures trust and transparency. Being part of the Who Cares? initiative is one way.
While Matalan’s AI-generated ads have generated a lot of buzz, human involvement remains crucial to ensure authenticity, emotional resonance and meaningful storytelling.