The broadcaster is anticipating a year-on-year fall due in part to fewer bookings as a result of uncertainty in the lead-up to the UK budget.
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Paramount’s flagship streaming service is rolling out a cheaper tier later this month, with Sky Media handling ad sales.
Wavemaker helped William Hill sponsor football docu-series Gaffer, supporting the campaign with a multichannel media plan aimed at extending the brand’s reach beyond game day.
The way that advertisers approach brand safety needs to change in a new political era and it will require hard work from marketers.
Sports viewership grew six percentage points quarter on quarter, while ad-supported streaming services received an 8% bump in subscription in part thanks to interest in the Olympics.
Q4 adspend is expected to surpass £10bn, driven by a surge in online display and social media spend.
For one of the most dramatic election campaigns in US history — or possibly even in all our lives — the UK media has taken distinct editorial approaches and came up with wildly different answers. At least we’ll know who got it right soon.
Analysis: Together with the launch of a Trustmark, Barb appears to be reinforcing its status as a joint industry currency amid accusations that online platforms continue to ‘mark their own homework’.
Time frame of reporting issue spans a period in which linear viewing has declined considerably, meaning “every penny counts”.
In addition, more than half of Europeans visit linear first when they switch on their TV.